بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Friday, March 11, 2011

C Umbrella

boy, "good boy", me..

stopping everything..
dislike watching..
dislike messaging..
dislike something..

once upon a time in lately night..there was a boy who extremely loved watching television..especially at night..every monday, he will juz sitting infront of stupid box..juz looking without blinking..do u know y??he really loves jacky chan and andy lou..wahahaha'u know..sometimes..kung fu juz made him dreaming the whole night..sometimes they fly, another times they are invulnerable, and also they can run fast like naruto..the wind blew their hair and dress like nothing can catched them..that make "the boy" dreaming in toilet..thats are d reasons why he "dislike watching" stupid box even he loves it..people need to b hypocrite to b a better person..

once upon a time..asek2x once upon a time..once upon a day..in totally lately midnight..dis teenage boy..wat we called aa..emm.."good boy" la..haha'he sacrified most of his time juz to concentrate on messaging..i dont know y he loved did dat..smsing with innocent gurl juz to get her attention..wat d fish in d pond behind my house or outside my house..or beside..or..above my house..who cares!! hey boy..eh silap..hey "good boy"..stop la..u do not need an unavailable person juz to make urself happy or cheer up like candy that always smile. at u.u have frens..u have yr mom as yr opposite sex to call..we juz need to remember our parent and ....we get d reward from God..easy right?? so..juz stopping sms wif them.."wanita~hiasan dunia.." except if u want to make them angry or boost up..hahaha'juz kidding..except if we have smthg urgent to say..like my president RPI said.."sebelum nak hanta sms nak tanya da makan ke belum...sms kat ana dulu.." so mmg aku takkan hanta la..haha'

dislike somethg??wat is it??dont know..haha'yaa...mayb some of u thought dat y i delight to laugh even nthg funny occured..my lecturer, miss hafizah said..we can help people by many ways..art of kindness..so..i prefer to help people by laughing.."hey!!its rude u know!!" no la..when he or she created funny things..even its not totally funny..so...by laughing at unfunny things..i can make them feel deappreciate..even i felt nothing..so..its kind of helping juz to make them feel good..

thats all from me..thank u..

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Allah loves His slaves..


dis evening i juz want to share a story dat happened last week..it showed dat our God really love His slaves..
aku da berazam..xnak makan McD da..alhamdulillah la..almost 2 months aku da x makan..spttnya 3 months..tp disbbkan my lovely frens nk blanja aku makan sbb befday aku..aku da beli da air soya..tp dorang nk jugak aku makan mcd..so..terpaksa la makan..sbb nak jaga hati kawan..

tapi aku bukan nak cerita pasal makan mcd wktu befday aku bln satu tuh..tp aku nk cerita wktu minggu lepas..wktu tu aku nak berbuka puasa..(bukan puasa ganti k') aha' cari2x makanan kat depan rumah aku..da xde da..byk da tutup..kalau ada pon..level of contamination tinggi..so..xnak la..last2x..aku nekad..nak jugak makan mcd..dalam hati cakap.."xpe la..sekali sekala..da lama xmakan..hehehe" pastu aku parking la motor dpn mcd..semangat je masuk.."eh apasal mamat tu pandang aku..macam x puas hati je.." xpe la..abaikan..g terus counter..

akak mcd : selamat datang!!! makan sini?
anfa : bungkus..kasi saya ayam goreng mcd spicy nak rib je..air sprite..medium..
akak mcd : kalau adik nak..adik kene tunggu 10 min..
anfa : xpe la kak!!banyak lagi makanan lagi sedap la!! tuih.. hehe' xde la..gurau je..
anfa : xpe la kak..terima kasih ek..
akak mcd : ok..datang lg..
anfa : xnak..

kalau tunggu 10 minit lg..mmg da masuk la waktu maghrib..xleh jadi nie..aku nak makan apa jap lg..cari je la..kedai mana2x..

...............1 minit dan 34.5 saat.................

yes!!! ada pun kedai yang jual lauk2x..pergh..beli2x..alhamdulillah la..murah lak tuh..kenyang pon bole tahan..haha' nasib baik la ayam mcd tu xde..kalau x..konfem aku da beli..thank u Allah..u really loves me..me??me too!! maka berbuka la aku dengan gembira..hehe'